Proprietor and Master Jeweller
Likes: Dogs and Horses
Favourite Food: Cheese
Favourite Drink: Wine (or tea)
Favourite Film: Pretty Woman
Random Fact: Rides motorbikes on the weekends
My Story
Like many of us, academia was never really for me, and the moment I finished school I knew I wanted to work with my hands! I began my studies in Leeds, acquiring my diploma from city and guilds and went straight to work as a bench jeweller at my family jewellers. It was during this time I met my husband David and we adventured to Cheshire in the 1990's where I worked as a repairing jeweller for nine different shops, until eventually deciding to have a shot at opening our own!
We started with a little shop in Newcastle - under - Lyme back in 1999 which we loved, but I hated being so far from my family, so we packed up and moved back to Huddersfield into the Old Victorian Shop on Market Walk in 2005. As you can probably imagine, starting up a jewellery shop isn't an inexpensive affair, so we sold our house to pay for stock whilst Dave drove up and down the country overnight to help cover the costs! It wasn't easy but as you can see, it was worth it!
This brings us all the way to the present day! I have a gorgeous shop with a brand new workshop attached, six staff, one dog and a thriving business!